2021 Tilt-Top Stand
As with most who begin dabbling in woodworking, you think "wouldn't it be nice to have ..." more tools in your workshop. Well, that's my situation. A friend mentioned that their neighbor was wanting to clean out their basement of her deceased husband's woodworking "stuff". Well, after checking out what was there, and the great prices, I decided it was time to add more tools to my garage shop. However, with the only space available in my garage being one wall, I had to figure a way to add these new tools and make them accessible. After hours of perusing Pinterest, YouTube, and Facebook Woodworking Groups, I decided it was time to build a Tilt-Top Tool Stand. This concept allows me to mount a different tool on either side of the tilt table. To use either, I simply flip the table 180 degrees. I found several designs to consider, but decided to open up my SketchUp Make 2017 CAD program and design my own version. Since I am still "learning" the...